How To Be A Ship Chandler
Mr. Gbenga Femi Olu is the Head, Business Development Unit of Tentropics Marine Limited, a registered marine operations company in Apapa since 2013. In this interview with MMS Plus Weekly he expatiates on ship chandelling as a profession and what it takes to succeed in the business. What is ship chandelling? Ship chandelling simply put is a process where the chandler, that is the name of the person who undertakes ship chandelling business, supplies to a vessel products and equipment needed on board, this means: provisions, disposables, perishable items and even maintenance parts because the crew aboard a vessel sometimes do not have access to land for months so they need to feed and the chandler provides things that are very essential on board, that is what chandelling is basically about. What role does ship chandelling play in shipping business? I would say to a large extent, that chandelling business is very vital in the shipping business considering the fact that you c...