
Showing posts from May, 2021

Private Sector To Redevelop South Africa’s Fleet Of Cargo Vessels

As people passionate about all things that happen in the maritime industry - from shipping agents to ship chandlers - we try to stay ‘in the know.’ We found this great article - bearing great news. Read on. The South African government’s ambitious plans to facilitate for and nurture the redevelopment of a domestically registered national fleet of trade vessels, as outlined in the Comprehensive Maritime Transport Policy (CMTP), has the full backing of the private sector, with actual money on the table. This was again amply expressed as well as demonstrated during the past weekend when one of the country’s trade ships owning company, Vuka Marine, added one more cargo ship – the largest of its class – to the South African Ship Register, this with the full backing of its mining client, Anglo American. Saldanha Bay, the country’s main port for iron ore exports, was the venue on Saturday (20 March 2021) for the ceremonial hosting of the South African flag aboard stern of the newly acquired